Dr. Franck Nziza On His Way To Taking Public Health To The Next Level In Burundi And Beyond.

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Franck Nziza is a young Burundian medical doctor, Researcher, Public health specialist, Evaluation and decision-making support expert. He is a social entrepreneur, innovation, and technology enthusiast. He is the CEO and co-founder of Ndakira Group.

As Social activist and philanthropist, Dr. Franck is the Founder and President of CAHA, an organisation aiming at providing solutions and ways to reach sustainable development mainly through better health and wellbeing as well as education and environment protection.


Dr. Franck Nziza participating in the 9th cohort of Salim Yusuf World Heart Federation Emerging Leaders (WHFEL) in Sydney, Australia. All Rights Reserved

Franck recently came back to Burundi from Belgium where he was doing his specialisation master’s in public health at Université Catholique de Louvain and Université Libre de Bruxelles (Catholic University of Louvain and Free University of Brussels) as scholar of Académie de Recherche etd’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES) (Academy of Research and Higher Education)

Recently, Dr. Franck took part in the 9th cohort of Salim Yusuf World Heart Federation Emerging Leaders (WHFEL) in Sydney, Australia whose topic was “Digital Health and Cardiovascular Disease.”

Dr. Franck Nziza with other fellows during the 9th cohort of Salim Yusuf World Heart Federation Emerging Leaders (WHFEL) in Sydney, Australia. All Rights Reserved

As one of 25 emerging leaders selected from around the world amongst hundreds of applications, Dr. Franck confides that it was an opportunity to put Burundi on the map and interact with other like-minded leaders from different corners of the world on how they can contribute to the control Non-Communicable Diseases especially cardiovascular diseases using technology. “It was a rich and inspiring experience that I got from that program. I look forward to implementing activities in Burundi and better serve our community and make the healh for All a reality”, he rejoices.

Dr. Franck Nziza the 9th cohort of Salim Yusuf World Heart Federation Emerging Leaders (WHFEL) in Sydney, Australia 

Note that over the past ten years, Dr. Franck Nziza founded, co-founded, led and has been active in many national, regional and international organizations such as Association Burundaise des Étudiants en Médecine (ABEM), International Federation of Medical Student’s Associations (IFMSA), Club Génies en Herbe, Yaga, Association Burundaise d’Informatique Médicale (ABIM), Activista, Société Burundaise de Cardiologie (SBC), Groupe de Réflexion sur les Innovations pour le Développement Durable (GRIDDA), International Association of Adolescent Health (IAAH), African Youth and Adolescents Network for Population and Development (AfriYAN), …

The Editorial Team

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