They’re ten. They gathered thanks to “Jeunesse au Service d’un Burundi Meilleur”-JSMB in French acronym. Some among them are still studying whereas others abandoned to study due to unwilling problems. They recycle different tools from plastic waste. They make vessels, ornamented mirrors, phone-stands, bags for pens, curtain holders, desks, etc.
Arclaine Hashimwiyaturagiye is the representative of those youths in their project. She tells us that all started after the trainings in entrepreneurship and environment protection within Nanje Nobaho center of JSBM. “We gathered and thought how to put into practice what we learned in the trainings. We found out the place located in Buterere. It is here in Bujumbura city where are casted all kinds of waste and rubbish. We found that plastics harm nearby people health as well as the environment.”
You may wonder how a useful tool can be transformed from rubbish?
Arclaine tells us that they decided to recycle the plastic waste into useful artistic objects. However, it was not easy to implement their project. They started without any tool which would help them recycle. Therefore, they were using bare hands.
After selling some of their products, they started buying some helping tools in their activities. They also took part in different competitions that support youths’ projects. Their project had been selected. They’d been given different awards. This helped them to get a way out of some issues.
Nanje Nobaho, their forefront incubator
Arclaine says that they thank so much the Nanje Nobaho center which knew and unlocked their talents. She appreciates the level of their project today. They get money and help their families. They are also happy to help their country protect the environment and population health.
in five years, they want their project to be on great level. “We hope that we will have been recycled so much waste into different useful tools. We wish also that we sharpen our knowledge about how to get the good quality of our products. Our foremost dream is to hire manyyouths and protect the environment on appreciable level while helping other youths all over Burundi to unlock and fructify their talents.»
Hashimwiyaturagiye advises young people who don’t work hard to overcome. “Better to explore and exploitthat talent hidden in you order to ameliorate it. Avoid fear, dare and start with courage. Jobs are rare. So let us,youths, create them.”
You can find their products in Bujumbura, INSS quarter, at UNESCO Avenue no.03